Tuesday 13 August 2013

Oxford and goodbye 14/8/13

Well we leave England today after 11 weeks of wonderful experiences and adventures. It's been great! Yesterday we went on a river cruise on the Thames. The trip supposedly went to the same places that Lewis Carroll punted and rowed Alice and her sisters. It was on the river that he began telling the stories that became Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass. It was a lovely way to spend our last full day in Oxford.

Oxford is a vey beautiful city. It has amazing buildings and incredible history. The cross on Broad Street wher the Protestant bishops were burned at the stake by Bloody Mary in the 16th century, and the memorial that was built later to commemorate their execution.

The lamp post and the carvings of the faun, Mr Tumnus and the door with the lion carved into it, all of which inspired C.S. Lewis to write The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

The buildings where so many notable literary and political figures from all over the world completed their educations, worked or taught at. Amazing!

From punts to Elizabethan buildings, to meadows and Mad Hatters, narrow boats and locks, we've had a wonderful time. We both hope you've enjoyed reading our blog and travelling with us throughout our big adventure. Thanks for all the comments and emails. See you all soon.




Saturday 10 August 2013

Oxford 8/8/13 to 10/8/13

Well we are on the very last stage of our fabulous journey. We arrived in Oxford by bus on Thursday afternoon. We took a taxi from the bus station to our lovely little flat and met the owner, Karen, who showed us around. It's a 2 bed roomed flat and it is lovely. It backs on to a little tributary of the Thames and it is very beautiful.

We've had swans and ducks come for breakfast and there are assorted mobiles so GG is very happy. She reckons she's only seen about 30 cats in the whole time we've been away. Thousands of dogs, however!

On Friday we walked into Oxford and wandered about looking at all the magnificent buildings. It is a very beautiful city but very crowded.

We went to the Alice Shop where Alice from Alice in Wonderland bought her lollies when she was a little girl. It now just sells a whole lot of Alice in Wonderland souvenirs and memorabilia.

Yesterday we had a much quieter day. We went for a lovely walk along the river in the same area as Lewis Carroll punted and picnicked with Alice and her sisters. It was very pretty with lots of boats, ducks, geese, butterflies and even a cat who lived on a narrow boat.

We have been having a more relaxing time in Oxford as we can please ourselves about when we get up, get dressed, go out or not etc. we are winding down I think. We only have 3 more days and then we will be making our way to Heathrow for the long trip home.