Tuesday 6 August 2013

Dublin cont...

Forgot to post Molly Malone, but here she is.

Funerals Dublin style.... No name, just wife, pretty impersonal hey.

Temple Bar was pretty good, too.

Here are the striking bus drivers. Very annoying!

The Clarence Hotel owned by U2.

The lamps in Phoenix Park still lit by gas. Amazing.

The other street lamps, beautiful.

Dublin is a real conundrum. The GFC hit them hard but they don't seem to be trying to do anything constructive to help themselves. Heaps of shops/businesses that did not open over the bank holiday weekend which is apparently the busiest weekend of the year. Weird huh.

Lots of street theatre however, but heaps of in your face beggars as well!

Funny place, Dublin. We liked Scotland better.


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