Tuesday 28 May 2013

London - day 2

Woke up this morning to a very cold, wet and miserable day. This is not summer as we know it in the Antipodes!


Walked down to the pick up point for the Hop On Hop Off bus and had to way half an hour in the cold and rain. Summer, what Summer.


The bus finally arrived at 9.45 and we headed off to Victoria Station. We began a fairly water-logged trip around London. We chose to get off at Westminster Abbey and we spent about three hours there.


The weather did NOT improve. It was even colder and wetter when we left the Abbey. We headed towards the British Museum in the pouring rain (as did every student in London - half term holiday AND rain, what a combination). We spent a couple of hours there and then caught the Tube back to the hotel.



After a bit of a rest we headed out for dinner. We went to a nice pub, the Leincester Arms, and had a very pleasant meal. The rain had finally stopped and the weather seems to have brightened up a bit.

Back to the hotel for bed.



  1. A bit soggy but still looks very pretty.
    I hope you used your smiggle color changing brolly!
    Love to you both.
    Caroline x

  2. Looks like the weather we're having here... But our excuse is that its winter....! I hope you both had a lovely day anyway....
