Thursday 4 July 2013

Hill Top Farm, Near Sawrey

We walked down the road (about 400 metres) to the car park and National Trust ticket office for Hill Top Farm. This is the placevBeatrix Potter owned and where she wrote many of her stories. The farm is about another 300 metres past the ticket office. The farm house is just how it would have been when she lived there. She made it a condition of her will that the National Trust (who she left everything to in her will) maintained it as her home and a working farm. Of course, you MAY NOT take photos inside the house!

The gardens of the farm house are beautiful and there are sheep in the fields all around. Many of her later stories were written in Hill Top Farm and in the area around Near Sawrey. You can see the features in the house and surroundings that she used in her books. She wrote The Tale of Mr Jeremy Fisher, The tale of Tom Kitten, The Tale Of Jemima Puddleduck, The Tale of Samuel Whiskers, The Tale of Ginger and Pickles, The tale of Mr Tod and The Tale of Pigling Bland at Hill Top Farm. There was even a bunny family in the field.

As you walk to Hill Top Farm you walk past some of the scenes that she used in her books. There is even a scarecrow-type figure of Mr McGregor that you can sit with and have your photo taken.

The apartment where we are staying is next door to the house Beatrix Potter's family first stayed in when they first came to the Near Sawrey from London on their holidays. The house was called Lakefield and is a very large country house. Where we are staying was obviously built on land sold off at a later stage as there is a small stone potting shed outside which supposedly was the inspiration for Mr McGregor in The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Well it's a nice story and I'd like it to be true.

We are staying at Little Ees Wyke and Lakefield is now called Ees Wyke. They both overlook Esthwaite Water. It is beautiful! The views just go on and on.



  1. Divine, divine, divine. Love the gardens. The English do a good garden alright!
    Callum says he misses you heaps. (As does Ella but is less vocal with her lamentings as you can imagine). He tells me he keeps dreaming of you in England.
    He tells me to say 'I love you, I miss you and I wish you were with us'.
    Ella tells me to type 'roses are red, violets are blue, you're away and I miss you'.

    We all miss you but your blog makes us all feel connected. Keep up the excellent blogging!
    Enjoy enjoy enjoy

  2. Just lovely. Give Mrs Tiggywinkle & Peter Rabbit a hug from me!
