Sunday 28 July 2013

Portsmouth to Windsor to Heathrow 26/7/13 to 28/7/13

We left Cornwall and drove to Portsmouth. What a long drive that was! It took about 5 hours. We checked in at our hotel which was opposite another amusement pier. This pier was totally unlike the piers in Brighton or Blackpool. It was much smaller and quieter.

We had dinner then retired for the evening as it had been a long day! In the morning we drove to the historic naval dockyards to see their exhibitions. We had a trip around the harbour on a large ferry, saw the navy ships that were docked, saw HMS Warrior, HMS Victory and visited the Mary Rose Museum. It was fantastic. Sadly we did not have enough time to do everything that was on offer.







The Mary Rose museum is amazing. It only opened 6 weeks ago. They have finally taken the ship out of water and are letting her dry. She has been being preserved since she was found in 1982. She had been underwater for over 400 years.

We then drove to Windsor. We had a night there before driving to the hire car place to return the BMW. It's been a lovely car and we will miss it. Then off to Dublin...... Hope we get picked up from the airport this time.



  1. You will miss your little car- what a good and long job it has done.
    Amazing sights again- especially the old ship. Love a piece of history.
    I've just got your text and I'm glad you have arrived safely in Dublin.
    Take care and enjoy your tour. xxxx

  2. Dean wants you to have a Guinness for him in Dublin. I think it's a very pretty & hugely friendly city; I'm sure you'll love it. Enjoy your tour of Ireland. XXX
