Thursday 11 July 2013

Llangollen to Devil's Bridge 11/7/13

We spent a lovely day in Llangollen. We went on the horse drawn canal boat and had a very relaxing trip up the canal and back. We also wanted to book for the motored trip across the aquaduct, but that was booked out for the whole week, so we couldn't do it.

After our boat trip we walked to the Pavillion where lots of the eisteddfod performances are taking place. It's in the Llangollen show grounds. It was very busy, full of choirs, performers, school groups, teachers, parents, grandparents, etc. We spent some time there listening to the singing and looking at all the stalls that had been set up. It was amazingly well organised. Llangollen is a very little village. It is a beautiful place, however.

Our hotel overlooked the beautiful river Dee and the only sound you could hear at night was that of the river running below our window. Fantastic!


We left Llangollen on Thursday after 2 lovely days to drive to Aberystwyth. Before we left we had a last stroll up the main street and a last little look around. We were just observing all around us when we realise that there was a bit of a traffic problem. The rubbish truck was collecting the rubbish from all the shops along the street and had the road completely blocked! The roads in these parts are remarkably narrow for main roads and they do allow parking on one side. It was a madhouse! The entire road was blocked no one could move in either direction. It took 15 minutes for it to clear. Most amusing.

We finally left Llangollen to drive to Aberystwyth. The roads are very pretty and mostly quiet. We saw several of the Red Kites as we drove into the Aberystwyth area. They are magnificent birds. We arrived at our hotel which is at Devils Bridge. It has the most amazing views over the Hafod forest. There is a 100 metre waterfall which you can hear from the hotel. There are several walks you can do, but they are very steep and slippery. We decided not to do them.

Instead we walked up to the little rail way station to see the steam train that runs between Devils Bridge and Aberystwyth. It had just arrived and was being polished up for its last trip of the day, back to Aberystwyth.

I hope you like these photos Callum.

Today we are off to Cardiff. Back to a big city.........



  1. Callum says 'they look awesome, thank you'
    He tells me that train is Puffing Billy 'sister' steam train.....not sure if that's true or not but he seems thrilled.

    There is nothing better than going to sleep with the sounds of water- unless it's from a leak or a urinating drunk! Enjoy the loveliness!

  2. Don't blame you for not attempting the waterfall walk. It's lovely, but hard work. Keep having a wonderful time.
