Sunday 30 June 2013

Lincoln and York

We spent Saturday in Lincoln. We arrived on the early afternoon and checked into our guesthouse. We then walked into the city itself. We walked up to Lincoln Cathedral. It was uphill all the way and very, very steep at that! The cathedral is beautiful. It is at least 900 years old and was once the largest building in Europe.. That was in the Middle Ages, of course.

When we left the cathedral we had to walk down hill, little steps were necessary or you might end up rolling down! We stopped for a meal on the way down at a place called The Slug and Lettuce, cute name! We then walked back to our guesthouse. It was Armed Forces Day so there were lots of defence force folk, poppies, bands and even several flyovers. All very dramatic.

We spent a pleasant night in Lincoln then drove further north to York. We arrived here also in the early afternoon and spent the rest of the day exploring this beautiful old town. The Minster (church) is very impressive and the old town is just beautiful.

We watched some street theatre, a knife juggling unicycle rider, great fun, and even visited a beautiful shop called The Cat Gallery which sold all things moggy! It was very hard to get GG out of this shop. We had a boat ride on the river Ouse and looked at lots of the famous sights of York. A lovely day. York is beautiful. After a meal we went back to the guesthouse for the evening. Next stop, the Lake District......




  1. Couldn't be more jealous if I tried. It all sounds wonderful. Meanwhile Benjs' birthday lunch at Outback Jacks was good fun, but odd without the two of you. The size of the meals almost defeated Dean, Benj, Tim & Mick (the boys went for the BIG meals, while Rory & the girls were a touch more sensible). Loving the Blog.

  2. Stunning. I love the tutor shops!!!!
    The slug and lettuce- I hope you didn't order a salad!!!!!
    Also, love the cat gallery. I hope you indulged!!!
    Have you been antiquing? Have you seen Tim Wonnacott yet?
    Take care and I'll try and send pics of our snowy adventures. Xxxxx

  3. Ps- for those who need a translation- GG is for Great Gran (or my mum's mum- my grandma- sometimes called Granny the Great).
    Also, so impressed with you driving all over the UK.
    GO MUM xxxxx
