Tuesday 18 June 2013

Orkney to Skye

We left Thurso at 8.00 and began the long trip across the northern coastline of Scotland and down the west coast to the island of Skye. It was misty and foggy when we set off, but the forecast was for another lovely day. Our first stop was at the little village of Tongue(strange name -tiny village). One of the group's grandmother had been born there. We took the bus down a tiny road to find the house. We then stopped at the little tea rooms and met 2 lovely cats. One who looked like Maben and one who looked like McGee.

Back on the bus and past wonderful scenery, including several mad cyclists doing around Britain rides, we drove to the fishing town of Ullapool, where we had lunch and a lovely wander around. What a pretty spot. The fog had all burnt off and we had blue skies and sunshine.

Back on the bus we drove through some more spectacular scenery until we arrived at the castle of Eilean Donan. The castle they used in the film The Highlander. An amazing sight.

We then drove on to Skye. We drove over the bridge to Skye but will take the ferry when we leave. Today we will explore the island and tomorrow we got to the islands of Mull and Iona.


  1. Just brill! Love the photos of you guys. Soooo glad you got your Scottish pussy cat fix!

  2. Love the photos of the two of you, & the moggies. Beautiful scenery!

  3. Aww we just realised it is a cat patting tour!
