Saturday 15 June 2013

Culloden Field, Loch Ness, Dunoch to Thurso

We left Aberdeen for the journey north towards the Orkneys. We stopped at Culloden Field. The sight of the last big battle between the Scots and the English. A windswept plain where the Highland Scots with Bonnie Prince Charlie (the claimant for the throne), lost their war. Only 50 English soldiers were killed but 1500 Scots died. A sad place

From there we drove to Loch Ness. A very beautiful lake but alas no monster.

We then went to a little town called Dunoch where there was a traditional Scottish wedding. Lots of tartan, kilts and a piper. Most impressive!

We stopped at Dunrobin castle and had a tour around it. We also saw a marvellous falconry display. There were three birds that flew for us - a falcon, a hawk and an owl. It was amazing.

KWe arrived in Thurso at about 5.30. A 'quaint' hotel. A hotel of many old fashioned tiny rooms, lots of stairs and fire doors and many long winding corridors. After dinner we went out into the village and found the Thurso pipe band performing in the street. It was great!

Today we go to the Orkneys. We are looking forward to it.


  1. Scotland looks amazing. Are the people friendly? They look very welcoming. Rory has a theory that the further north from London you go, the friendlier the people get.
    Great pic of GG and the owl.
    What a pity Nessie was hiding!
    So glad Ireland is sorted. Yay you guys and Verity!

  2. Very pleased Ireland is sorted - you go girls! Amazing how often the Santi manage to stumble across performances of all kinds where-ever we travel. Singing, dancing, bagpipes! Love the shots of gents in kilts. The weather looks cool but pleasant. How's the back GG?
