Sunday 23 June 2013

Scotland to Brighton

We left Scotland on Saturday to fly back to London. We had a lovely farewell dinner in Glasgow as all the group members prepared to go their separate ways.

Once we arrived at Heathrow we found the shuttle service that took us to the Thrifty car rental place. It was at the Sheraton Hotel of all places! The people there were lovely, they looked after us and organised our car quickly and with lots of care. We have a very nice BMW 1 series hatchback, an upgrade from a Ford Fiesta. Very nice, but the indicators and windscreen wipers controls are on the reverse sides. Confusing! Picture of the car to come later.
We drove down to Brighton and found our hotel. It is in the process of being restored so the rooms are large but a lot of work is being done in the place.
Saturday night in Brighton is lively to say the least. The town is full of young folk, all dressed up for a big night out. Most wore very little even tho it was quite cold and windy. Our hotel has views of the famous pier and the sea so we were quite near the action. A noisy night!
Yesterday we explored Brighton. We went to the Royal Pavilion! Amazing, but again no photos allowed inside.
After the Pavilion we went to look at the pier. It's very long and very tacky, but fun to see.

Today we leave brighton and head off to Canterbury via Hartfield and the Ashdown Forest (Pooh Bear country). The weather seems to be much better today, lets hope it lasts.


  1. Your hotel in Brighton looks very flash! I do hope the weather gets better & better. It has been very cold overnights here, lots of frost & ice on car windows, but the days have been sunny if a little cool. Keep having fun!!!

  2. It was freezing today. When I was doing yard duty at lunch it was only 7!
    Anyway, have a good drive to your next destination.

  3. PS- I do hope you find a Pooh Bear or a heffalump.
