Saturday 8 June 2013

Regents Park and Camden Town

Another lovely day. The wind was cold but the sun was warm. We started off at Kensington Gardens and then caught the Tube to Regents Park. We walked through the park and stopped for lunch at the 'Boating Pond'. It was very nice watching people 'messing around in boats'.

This park is very varied. There is Queen Mary's rose garden, very formal and structured. There are the lawn gardens, just lovely for kids and dogs. When you get to the lake and boating pond it is very different again. There are lots of water birds, basically begging for food. Many people are happy to feed them. There is a outdoor theatre, currently playing 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.

After lunch we walked to Regents Park Canal Tow path. To get there we walked past lots of playing fields which were very well patronised.

We walked along the tow path until we got to Camden Town. Camden was very busy. Just packed with people spending up big at the markets and shops. Looked around briefly and then caught the train back to Lancaster Gate.

A lovely day!

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