Tuesday 11 June 2013


We arrived in Edinburgh yesterday at about 11.10. We waited for the scheduled, 11.30, pickup service from the Trafalgar tour people, but it didn't arrive. After an hour we rang the hotel to find out what had happened. A most apologetic tour leader explained that she had muddled her times and had been at the airport at 11.00 instead of 11.30. We caught a taxi to the hotel instead and the cost was reimbursed. Mistakes do happen, but apparently we are the first people she has ever forgotten!
After arriving in our hotel room, which is very nice, much more modern than Lancaster Gate, we had a rest and then wet for a walk. We didn't go far as the streets go off in all directions and we were a bit worried about getting lost.
When we got back to the hotel it was time to meet the rest of the tour group and go out for a 'welcome' dinner. We got on the bus and drove to a pub called The Grannery. The food was pleasant. It was a buffet meal with a variety of Scottish specialties. We did not try the haggis!

After dinner we drove back to the hotel and arrived about 8.30. It was still very light and bright as the sun doesn't set until about 11.00pm! Amazing!

This morning we left the hotel at about 8.30 for a city tour on the bus and then a visit to Edinburgh Castle. It's an incredible place, built on huge rocks. It towers over the city. Our guide was a lovely Scotsman in a kilt. Very smart. He told us a lot about Edinburgh and the castle's history.

The castle is on Edinburgh's Royal Mile. A most impressive area, as is the whole town. The Camera Obscura is here and many other beautiful buildings. The whisky museum is also in this area. We drove past Holyrood House but couldn't visit it as Prince Charles is staying there so it's blocked off and surrounded by security. The views from the top of the castle are fantastic!

We got back to the hotel at lunchtime and decided to go for a walk down the Lothian Road and back underneath the castle. Just as we left a light rain began. We thought it would stop, but it was persistent. It's not cold or windy, just damp. Stopped for lunch at a little coffee shop and had delicious broccoli and Stilton soup. Yum!

Tonight we will go out walking again, after GG has a little doze. Her back has been troubling her again, but it seems to be better at the moment. We'll wait for our jackets to dry. Tomorrow we are off to The Borders and later on to dinner in the Old Town and a visit to the statue of Greyfriar's Booby and a walk through the Greyfriar's Churchyard.


  1. Greyfriar's Booby, indeed? Bobby will be most put out! Love the cemetary for the Soldiers dogs & The Cat's Miaou. GG look after your back & try not to get too chilly

  2. I was going to write exactly what Andi wrote….great mind hey….
    Anyway, we are all pleased that you are safe and well ( minus the back) and that you are seeing some wonderful Scottish sights.
    The soup looks beautiful!!!!!!

    We bought tix to see Matilda the Musical in New York. We ( or I ) am sooo excited.
    Melbourne was thrashed by Collingwood.
    One of our flights from Phoenix to NY was cancelled, so we had to oranise a new flight but it’s leaving from Las Vegas which means we have to travel all the way back ( by hire car) after seeing the Grand Canyon! Poo. Rory is looking to see if we can dump the car and hire a helicopter back to Las Vegas……imagine that!!!!!
    School report are all done and in!!!!
    Speak soon xxxx
